Mercedes Benz*


Mercedes Systems: History and identifying what you shouldn’t run
Tools: Comparison and costs n several manufacturers (IM608, VVDI MB, APP G2, CCD, KR55)
PROGRAMMING: All keys lost and add key procedures and methods
Failed ELV Identification, Removal methods, and personalization
In class practical skills on bench top modules with im08 as the preferred method (principles apply to other manufacturers but all things being equal the IM608 is the biggest bang for the buck)

The class is $300.00 for members. Visitors pay $450.00. Payment must be received before Thursday, August 2.
Send your checks to Roy Young, PO Box 819, Hope Mills, NC 28348 or call Debbie Derruisseaux at (910) 273-4926 to pay by credit card. Paid Classes are Nonrefundable!

THIS IS AN 8-HOUR CLASS. You must take both parts!

Class 300/0824A & B
Instructor: Eric Lambert, The Locksmith Co.
Limit: 30

Register here