North Carolina Locksmiths Association, Inc. 
58 General Lee Ave.
Spring Lake, NC  28390
(910) 273-4926





Dear NCLA Family,

I hope this letter finds you all doing well. I want to thank all those who came to our last meeting in Rocky Mount, NC. It was my first time taking a tour of the Ilco plant. I will have to say that is one thing I really enjoy about being a locksmith. I have gotten to see many manufacturing facilities over the years. I hope to get to see many more as we move into 2025. I hope everyone has had a good year. This year hasn’t been without challenges though. I often get down sometimes when it seems like there is no end in sight. This year has been a year of stretching and molding. I have had to do a lot of soul searching and making changes in my life, but it is what life is all about. It is about learning and growing. I remember a quote that I heard one time. Don’t wish life was easier, wish you were better. That is where I am. I’ve seen where bad habits in my life have caused others to do the same things or question my integrity. I look forward to the new year and continuing to work on myself and my relationship with the Lord. I going into 2025 we will all work on bettering ourselves.

I want to bring up something that all business owners need to do before the end of the year. I don’t know if you have heard of the BOI. If you haven’t and this is the first you are hearing of it, you need to go online and fill it out. I believe I filled mine out on It needs to be filled out by the end of the year or there will be stiff penalties. At least that is what I’ve been told. If you need help with understanding it contact your CPA and they should be able to help you out.

I hope to see everyone in Raleigh, NC in January for our tradeshow. It should be a lot of fun. There will be vendors, education, and games. I hope everyone has a Merry Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!!!

See you soon,



Waldo Smith, III
CEO of Waldo Smith Locksmith, LLC.
NCLA President

Reidsville Office 336-613-5307
VA Services 434-473-7314