Membership Info

Membership Types and Qualifications


Any person eighteen years of age or older who is presently actively engaged in installing and servicing locksets and related security hardware, with a minimum of two years experience, and deriving income from this business servicing the public in the locksmith / security field.

Junior Apprentice

Any person who is at least twelve years of age but not yet eighteen years of age, presently studying the locksmith trade under an active regular member.


Any locksmith, locksmith supply salesman or security industry factory representative. Associate members may not hold office or vote.


The N.C.L.A. will now allow non-members to take classes offered at quarterly meetings for a fee.

Registration Cost: $50 & Classes: $100 (3 to 4 hour blocks)

Sponsors may submit a completed application package to the membership committee no later than 30 days prior to the meeting at which the applicant wishes their application to be considered.

  • Your application must include the following:
  1. $10 application fee
  2. A Criminal Records Check from all jurisdictions you have resided in for the last 5 years. Criminal records check is waived for junior membership.
  3. A photocopy of a valid state License or proof that you are practicing locksmithing.
  4. A photograph 3″ x 3″, Head & Shoulders, made within (30) thirty days of application.
  5. Return Application Form To: 
    NCLA Membership, Gary West
    , 1 Brackenwood Ct., Greensboro, NC 27407

Dues are $220.00 per year which will be pro-rated depending on the month you join.